Projects ๐Ÿ•น Link to heading

In my spare time I like to develop small bite-sized games. Together with friends (shoutout to Thom) I have joined and collaborated in several Game Jams in recent years (most of the time Ludum Dare).

On this page you can find links to the different games I made over the years. If you have any questions or remarks feel free to get in touch with me and send a message โžก๐Ÿ“ง mathijs at koning dot dev :)

In order of release date (newest to oldest)

Cannonball Courier ๐Ÿงจ๐Ÿ“ฆ Link to heading

Available through Ludum Dare | Published: May, 2023 | Available: Windows, MacOS, Linux

Cannonball Courier is a Game Jam (Ludum Dare #53) game made in 48 hours. In CC we shoot a local postman out of a cannon to deliver your package as quick as possible! Through different upgrades you can make life a bit easier and more productive (and unlock some secret outfits) ๐Ÿ‘€.

We worked on CC in a team of two. I was responsible for all audio and some of the programming. It was my first experience using the Godot game Engine. Most of our efforts went into learning the new engine, and although we’re proud of the result, the game didn’t get as much traction as our previous entries. Nevertheless, with this new experience under our belt it certainly doesn’t feel like wasted time or effort ๐Ÿ˜

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Gelato Drift ๐Ÿšš๐Ÿฆ Link to heading

Available on | Published: October 2022 | Available: Web (in theory every OS & Browser combination)

Gelato Drift is a Game Jam (Ludum Dare #51) game made in 48 hours by a team of two developers. In Gelato Drift you drift an Icecream truck around to deliver some sweet gelato to hungry customers. You better be quick though, cause that icecream will melt if your not quick enough! ๐Ÿฅต

Gelato Drift was a pretty big hit for us! We got positive reviews from the Ludum Dare crowd and my engineering students found it fun to make some sick drifts too! For some more details about the game, check out the submission on the Ludum Dare page.

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Afwas ๐Ÿฝ Link to heading

(it’s Dutch for “Dirty Dishes”)

Available on | Published: April 2022 | Available: Web (in theory every OS & Browser combination)

Afwas is a Game Jam (Ludum Dare #50) game made in 48 hours by a team of two. It’s a physics based stack ‘em up game to see who is the best procrastinator. A game based on real-life experiences. I have since then bought a dishwasher.

Afwas brought a bunch of technical and design challenges along with it. The physics especially were definitely not the easiest thing in the world to implement, and figuring out how the scoring was going to work in combination with out desire to once again add a leaderboard took some time. but in the end it turned out to be a pretty fun Tetris-like! Some students of mine went crazy on the leaderboard and developing their own strategies. One student in particalur had a single game that went on for nine hours before he eventually got the highest score!

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Debt Collector ๐Ÿ’ฐ Link to heading

Available on | Published: May 2021 | Available: Web (in theory every OS & Browser combination)

Debt Collector is our first ‘hit’ game for Ludum Dare and one we were quite surprised by (at least I was). We took 202nd place, so ‘hit’ is definitely subjective, but the game we made before Debt Collector didn’t even place in the rankings so this was massive for us. I’m still thrilled by the end result and how far we got in 48 hours. The background track I made is one I’m very proud of. We still get new players on the leaderboard every month! ๐Ÿ˜„

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Think Twice, Inc. โ™ป Link to heading

Available on | Published: November 2020 | Available: Web (in theory every OS & Browser combination)

Not only the first game Thom and I made together ever, it was also our first one during a game jam, our first puzzle game (you know, to Keep It Simple) and we waaaaay overscoped our idea. Not the greatest game ever, but we did finish it! We all have to start somewhere!

Ludum Dare entry

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